Programs and Projects are powerful execution tools that when used well deliver sustainable results. We see Programs and Projects as the execution end of your strategy.

Strategy without execution is blind, and execution without purpose is meaningless. Organizations able to use Programs and Projects to execute their strategy have a competitive edge.

We Can Help.

Our consultants have the expertise and experience to help your organization use Programs and Projects to get results. We can help:

  • Use programs to align your organization's resources and energy to its strategy
  • Implement a small footprint and big impact governance structure
  • Leverage your organization's existing project management skills
  • Apply consistent project management in the face of multiple methodologies


Programs provide organizations with a means to execute their strategy, focus their energy, and unleash their people's potential.

More strategic than Projects, an organization's Programs are closely aligned to its strategy and are structured to be effective across businesses, functions, and if needed, global regions. Unlike many of their constituent projects, Programs are not methodology specific and are focused on the cumulative benefit being created for stakeholders.

Our company is going through a major transformation that calls for more rigor in our processes and our execution. Arthur Maxwell has worked closely with the organization to help craft and implement a Program Management best practice that has proven very effective. Senior Vice President, Chief Process Improvement Officer
Owens Illinois

Coaching Services

Programs are vehicles for large-scale change, and our Program Management expertise, combined with our deep understanding of change and leadership uniquely equip us to coach those responsible for leading your most strategic initiatives.

Working in the background, or side-by-side with your Program Managers, we can help you get the most out of your programs.

Learn about our Coaching Services.



Projects are used to create value in every area of the organization. Projects are a vehicle to produce specific results. Bringing a team of people together to produce these results according to stakeholder needs is the objective of Project Management.

Different parts of the organization are challenged with different problems and have adopted or created methodologies useful in addressing these challenges. Information Technology, Research & Development, and Process Improvement are examples. Often, it's difficult to understand what if any Project Management is needed beyond these methodologies—and this is where clients find our deep understanding of methodology and our extensive Project Management knowledge and experience a real asset.

Coaching Services

The people leading projects can go further with a coach. Coaching not only accelerates a Project Manager's learning, it helps ensure the objectives.

Working in the background, or side-by-side with your Project Managers, we can help you get the most out of your projects.

Learn about our Coaching Services.


Upcoming Workshops

Our Program and Project Consultants have extensive practical experience as Program and Project Managers. Additionally they are certified by the Project Management Institute as Project Management Professionals.